I've mentioned my love for my RSS aggregator before, GreatNews. This week I came across a new user-submitted style for GreatNews called Web-2-Zero, created by Jorwa. This is a great looking style and is very pleasing to the eye - despite the name ;-)
Take a look:

There's a couple of things I didn't quite like about this style so I'm posting my own revised copy. The style posted by Jorwa was set to overflow into 2 columns, which is great for newspaper views, but for how I like to read (which is often posts with source code in them) I want to see the text in the full width, so I removed that. Jorwa's style also removed images from the text, again optimized for a newspaper view. I removed that as well. I also added a line after each post to separate each post when in a newspaper view and did a little different treatment for comments.
Speaking of GreatNews. I still love it as much as ever. I did test out the new Jubilee build of RSS Bandit this week. While it does have some great features and looks nice, you just can beat the speed of GreatNews. RSS Bandit felt a bit sluggish in comparison. Keep up the great work Jack!