RSS 2.0 Feed
RSS 2.0

Atom 1.0 Feed
Atom 1.0

  ASSify your syndication feeds 


Rory Blyth has solved the issues around the RSS vs. ATOM debate and has introduced a new and improved syndication format that will not only revolutionize the blogsphere but will save precious resources on “the computer that the internet runs on”.

Another Simple Syndication, to be more commonly known as ASS. Simple. Elegant. Beautiful.


So let me be one of the first to publish my ASSified feed (via Rory's Ass Grabber). Although there are no known ASS readers as of yet, you can get a hold of my ASS here View my ASSified feed

Edit: Because I redirect my url to another port (82), that means you only see the feed from my redirect page. That will have to do for now until I figure out a way to redirect my ASS traffic.


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  1. Ryan Jameson 12/2/2003 2:18 PM
    Sorry, I can't stop laughing long enough to figure out the importance of this new technology. I'm sure when I'm older and more grown up, I'll be able to handle it.
  2. Jason Buss 12/8/2003 6:31 AM
    Don't feel bad Ryan, I feel the same way.

    Eventually, we'll all be able to handle our own ASS.
  3. Neil Hetzel 12/23/2003 11:03 AM
    I don't know if I want to grab Ryan's ASS and I'm not sure I want to feed my ASS to somone else. Any time my ASS is being grabed I think I'd want to know by whom. Is ASS grabing anonymous or can it be tracked?
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