I cannot tell you how excited I am for the arrival of XAML. I loose sleep at night already just thinking about the cool possibilities. But I have to say, leave it to Microsofties to pronounce it “zamel” (as in rhymes with camel).
Why the gay pronunciation? (Yes I'll say it - I am not PC). I feel like a retard whenever I say it. I'd be just fine with saying the letters. I dig acronyms. “X” “A” “M” “L”. Sounds fine to me, but no. Now we have to say zamel.
Maybe I should become a Microsoftie and start calling XML “zemel”. Or how about RPC as “ripcle”. I'm sure to get a great response when I speak publically about HTTP, or should I say “hawtitulpee” for the first time. Well, guess I'll get back to writing some aupees (APIs) for my dulls (DLLs). Sheesh.