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September 2003 Entries

Come and get your ORM feed! 

A friend of mine, Scot Becker - President and Principal Consultant of Orthogonal Software, has put up a blog focused on object role modeling. If you work woth ORM, or really any kind of data modeling - you really need to check out this blog. It's pretty new, but already has some great content and ORM tips.

Utilities and tools to woo the chicks 

We all have our own collection of cool utilities and tools. Tools that make your work easier and you'd feel lost, abandoned, and stupid without. Scott Hanselman recently posted his list of tools he can't live without in his blog. All I have to say! This is an awesome list.

More on Generics 

Here’s a great post from Eric Gunnerson’s blog on some new terminology we’ll see with generics...



Also see my CRM Developer blog



