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  A new Level of Geekdom and a Childhood Dream 


My son, Trapper, just had his 9th birthday party this weekend. I had my friend, Neil ( come, who just completed his new Darth Vader costume to give the boys something to gawk over. Even though I knew it was my fiend Neil underneath I can't even describe how powerful and awe-inspiring it was to be in the presence of Darth Vader. Neil is a big guy and makes a really menacing Darth Vader. It was an indescribable feeling and felt like the fulfillment of a childhood dream to stand next to Darth Vader, up close and in person.

The picture does not do it justice but it will be a memorable experience. Thanks Neil. BTW, Neil just recently marched in the Rose Bowl parade in CA as a Storm Trooper and even got to meet George Lucas. Neil is documenting it on


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  1. Neil 2/22/2007 8:36 AM
    Hi Ryan,

    I don't have any RSS readers set up at the moment (I know, shame on me) and I just now browsed out to your site to see you latest. I had no idea you posted about Darth's Visit.

    Thanks for the kind words. I was happy to do it.
  2. Alex 2/24/2007 1:58 AM
    Hi Ryan , i quickly make some effects with your photo )
  3. Neil 1/25/2008 8:42 PM
    Dude. I look so friggen fat in that picture. Darth Vader needs to run a few laps.
  4. ReedE 7/28/2008 10:36 AM
    Thats a OLD post!!!! You don't seem to write alot of stuff on here! LIKE ME!!! lol
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