I read an interesting post from Paul Wilson regarding the never-ending debate of whether to use stored procs or dynamic SQL for your data layer. As I mentioned before, I've always been a stored proc kind of guy. Why? Really just because I love them. I love to get a change of scenery everynow and then and work with some T-SQL. But after reading Paul's post I got thinking. I've never really even given the dynamic SQL route a try. We'll I've tried it, I love the idea of O/R mappers, but really just as that...a try - knowing the whole time I was just seeing what it was about then going back to my typical stored proc route.
I will give it a real try. However, I just can't see myself really embracing it. I love writing procs. The problem I've had with using O/R mappers is that I just don't feel confident that an O/R mapper knows how to generically generate code that knows how to access my data better, or faster, than I do. Know what I mean?
Either way, Paul's post is worth a read. So is there anyone using an O/R mapper that they love?