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  Refactoring in Whidbey for VB.NET 


OK. So I don't really want to jump on the VB bashing train, I mean, isn't it just too easy of a target? Not that I care for VB or anything, but this was just too funny to not pass along! Via secretGeek.

According to Microsoft's Paul Vick, Refactoring support in will differ from that in C#. Terminology and structure of available features will be simplified to cater for the less rigorous intellect of the VB developer.

I cannot confirm that this image is legitimate. But it is reputedly the first screen shot of the context menu available to VB programmers in the Whidbey IDE.


Gotta love that one - I honestly can't stop cracking up over this. Don Box was apparently stunned at how "developer-focused" the VB refactoring is ;-)


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  1. scooblog by josh ledgard 6/5/2004 1:48 AM
  2. scooblog by josh ledgard 6/5/2004 1:53 AM
  3. Scott Mitchell 6/5/2004 9:46 AM
    When I first saw the demo of how VB.NET Whidbey let's you right-click on an error message and get possible suggestions on how to fix it, it made me think that a mock-up image like the one above would be funny if it had options like:

    "Ick! This is how you write code!? Suggestion: find a new line of work."

  4. Ryan Farley 6/5/2004 10:08 AM
    Hahhaha. Scott, that one is too funny. It would almost be worth re-doing the image just to add that one on there.

  5. scooblog by josh ledgard 6/5/2004 3:12 PM
  6. secretGeek 6/6/2004 3:02 AM
    thanks for the mention Ryan :+)

    it's amazing that a few minutes (of the client's time, not mine, he he he) spent in MS-paint can be making people smile over six months later.

    did you know there is also a

  7. Ryan Farley 6/6/2004 1:35 PM
    Hey Leon,

    Hehe. I hoped your client liked the result? Funny. Yeah, I've seen before, he seems to be a *nix type (strange thing is that he registered his domain a couple weeks before I registered mine - not sure why he took .net and not the .com -- but I am sure glad he did!)

    Anyway Leon, truely awesome blog. I have to say, I'd come accross secretGeek every now and then before, but I am hooked now. Always good for a "geek related" laugh.
  8. Chris Breisch 6/10/2004 11:51 AM
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