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  More on Nullable Value Types 


I posted about a week ago about the new nullable value types in C# 2.0. Since then the new C# Language Specification has been released - which now includes a section on nullable value types, so it has gained a bit of buzz in the blogsphere over the past week. Eric Gunnerson posted on the C# Team FAQ a little more related to nullable types and answers the question "Why don't nullable relational operators return 'bool?' instead of 'bool'?".

For example, take a look at the following:

int? x = 1;
int? y = 2;

// the type of 'x==y' results in a normal 'bool', not a 'bool?'
bool xy = (x == y);

Eric goes on to explain why. Since a comparison of a nullable type can yield a ternary result, true/false/null, and null is not equal to anything (comparing anything with null results in null) then the comparison can never succeed. The only way for such a comparison to succeed would be to use the nullable type's HasValue method, such as the following:

bool? b = null;
if (!b.HasValue) { }

This is not very natural syntax. A programmer would expect to use more normal syntax such as this:

bool? b = null;
if (b == null) { }

But as I mentioned before, this comparison could never succeed. Therefore, the design decision was made to force all relational operators return a normal binary bool. Makes sense to me ;-)


I wanted to clarify. It is because the C# design team wanted to allow a developer to use the more normal syntax of if (b == null) that the decision was made to have the relational operators return a normal bool resulting in only two possible results true/false - making the comparison above valid. However you still have the option to use the ?? operator to test for nullness and use alternate values instead.


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